Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Regarding gay marriage.

Yeah. Stupid and bigoted as it is for people to deny gay couples the right to marry, my own personal views on marriage have changed.

The word "marriage" has far too much religious connotation for me to ever want anything to do with it, really. You know what? You can keep your stupid marriage. You want your little secret club for straight Christians, go right ahead. And to you I say, fuck you. I want no part of it.

Give EVERYONE, gay or straight or whatever-sexuality-they-are, a civil union under the law. Give everyone the same legal rights, under the same name. Then, if you want a marriage, you can go right on over to your church or mosque or synagogue or whatever and get one. That has nothing to do with the legal benefits.

That's what I think. Will it happen? Probably not. I'd be happy enough with everyone getting equal rights under whatever name they want, so long as it's called the same thing with everyone.

1 comment:

  1. i hate marriage too! marriage originated as a tool of the patriarchy...and it still is, what a surprise. i will never get married. and i'd be happy with that solution too.
